The Bioveta Hall Implementation

17. 01. 2022

At the beginning of 2021 we signed a contract for work with the Bioveta, a.s. company for the construction of a hall „Bitoveta Biosafety Hall“.

At the beginning of 2021 we signed a contract for work with the Bioveta, a.s. company for the construction of a hall „Bitoveta Biosafety Hall“. Bioveta, a.s. is the major manufacturer of veterinary medicine which exports its products to more than 90 countries around the world.

It is a new hall serving for the production of pharmaceutical products, a partial expansion of the Bioveta, a.s. company’s annual production capacity and the partial relocation of the obsolete part of production and its modernization to new premises.

  • 2F will be used for: „The process innovation of Biovitubal, Avitubal and the product innovation of Biosuis Entero vaccine.“ Clean rooms are secured by BSL 3 using a closed technological process. 
  • 1 and 3F are designated as a space reserve for further development of Bioveta, a.s. for the meantime.
  • 4F will be used in the finished state for the production of live vaccines for poultry, in a temporarily changed arrangement the premises will be used by QC.

Currently the subcontractors are finishing the construction and assembly work and we are generally so ahead of time with the signed contract for work that we would like to hand over part of the work for a trial operation by the end of 03.2022.

Along with the completion, conceptual work for the options to use the 1 and 3F is also being carried out.

The prearranged due date for the functional project handover is planned according to the „work contract“ at the end of 07.2022.



The Bioveta Hall Implementation

17. 01. 2022

At the beginning of 2021 we signed a contract for work with the Bioveta, a.s. company for the construction of a hall „Bitoveta Biosafety Hall“.

At the beginning of 2021 we signed a contract for work with the Bioveta, a.s. company for the construction of a hall „Bitoveta Biosafety Hall“. Bioveta, a.s. is the major manufacturer of veterinary medicine which exports its products to more than 90 countries around the world.

It is a new hall serving for the production of pharmaceutical products, a partial expansion of the Bioveta, a.s. company’s annual production capacity and the partial relocation of the obsolete part of production and its modernization to new premises.

  • 2F will be used for: „The process innovation of Biovitubal, Avitubal and the product innovation of Biosuis Entero vaccine.“ Clean rooms are secured by BSL 3 using a closed technological process. 
  • 1 and 3F are designated as a space reserve for further development of Bioveta, a.s. for the meantime.
  • 4F will be used in the finished state for the production of live vaccines for poultry, in a temporarily changed arrangement the premises will be used by QC.

Currently the subcontractors are finishing the construction and assembly work and we are generally so ahead of time with the signed contract for work that we would like to hand over part of the work for a trial operation by the end of 03.2022.

Along with the completion, conceptual work for the options to use the 1 and 3F is also being carried out.

The prearranged due date for the functional project handover is planned according to the „work contract“ at the end of 07.2022.




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